Luck, Situation, Decision

When the odds are not in our favour we always incriminate it on time, situation, circumventions and most times on others. We do not realize at that instant why things are going south. Years or months later when we actually think about it we realize it was our own mistake all along. We could have…

Is there a manufacturing defect? Phase One

Phase One- Nerdy from Outside – Low self confidence  “Hey move aside fat boy, dont block the way?”…… errrrr… “Hey there teacher’s pet”…. students tease me every time in the bus or in school….. “When will this Stop?” “Why did God make me ugly?” “Why did God make me good in Studies, why can’t I…

Is there a Manufacting Defect?

At somepoint is life we have all wondered “Why am I like this?” or “Why is he so cool!” . Well there is no definate answers to these things it all depends on one’s frame of mind and things surrounding at that moment. I will divide this Article into four phases of my life. BTW…